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The Puzzle of Christianity

Peter Vardy / Dugald Bruce-Lockhart
An excellent overview of Christianity suitable for students (and teachers!) embarking on the new GCSE and ‘A’-Level Religious Studies specifications.Written in the same clear and engaging style as the bestselling Puzzle of Ethics and Puzzle of God this book covers key content common to all the new specifications - including: Jesus: His incarnation life ethical teaching crucifixion and resurrection saving importance for Christians and relationship with God; The development of Christianity through from the Early Church to contemporary Global Christianity; The similarities and differences between different types of Christianity in terms of beliefs teachings and practices; The use and authority of the Bible and other sources of authority within the Churches as well as how the Bible shapes Christian Ethics; Christian responses to science feminism secularism philosophy and the new atheism as well as crises in social justice.Most importantly Vardy places these themes in context and helps students to understand and appreciate Christianity the largest religious tradition in the UK and worldwide. Through this latest book in Vardy’s bestselling series students will enjoy their studies and see the relevance of taking the subject further.Peter Vardy's THE PUZZLE OF CHRISTIANITY is a top resource for those interested in the history of religion particularly Christianity. It's an educational tool that speaks to both children and youth making it a valuable addition to any learning environment.For fans of Julian Waterfield (Aiming for an A in A-level RS) Chris Eyre (My Revision Notes OCR A Level Religious Studies) Richard Dawkins (Outgrowing God) Clare Lloyd (Fy Nodiadau Adolygu) and Peter Baron (Model Essays for OCR GCE Religious Studies).

  • Published by HarperCollins UK
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre General NonFiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 8th September 2016
  • Duration 08 Hrs. 12 Mins.
  • ISBN 9780008204266